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Back Country Horsemen of British Columbia

BCHBC On-Line Auction


For Information on placing a bid and to view a complete list of Auction items go to  




Item # 1

Tyax 2020 11 20 6

tyax 2Tyax 4



Item # 2

 The Great Wall Tent Experience 3






 Item # 3


donationweekend images

donationweekend 2


 Item  # 11


Netchko Lake Lodge Item 11






 Item # 4

 Rainbow 2

  •   A $400 value                                                                                                                                              


 Item #6


Wilderness Tirp into the Northern Rockies Item 2 6








 Item # 12


Willowcale Equestrian Facility Item 2 12



 Item #13


13 fly fishing experience with Kaylyn.docx RS



Item # 10


Rock Hound Item 2 10




 Item # 8


8 Manning Park Paradise Valley




Item # 14


14 Bill and Vernas 2



 Item # 15


Robson Valley offer 3 15



Item # 7

7 Coalmine Camp Offer Poster2



 Item # 22

22 Christa Miremadi 2




 Item # 23  

Experience a 2 day Guided experience of the Sayward Valley, Vancouver Island, BC


23 Memekay Camp and Guided Rides



 Item # 9

 9 Hi Point 2 Guest Ranch Gift Certificate



 Item # 26


26 Packing course 2 with Tania Millen


 Item # 19

19 North Thompson 2 Chapter


Item # 27


27 Back 40 Mountain Trail Clinic



Item #28


28 Rabbit Mountain Offer





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