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Back Country Horsemen of British Columbia

Overview Map

For Trail information and maps, please visit the Horse Council BC Website:

Click here:  BC Horse Trails

People who use this information and trail maps do so entirely at their own risk and BCHBC disclaims any liability for death, injury or other damage that may be sustained by anyone using the information, trails and/or routes described. There are inherent personal risks and potential hazards in traveling all back and front country roads and trails in British Columbia as any portion of a trail may be unsafe. Some of the trails described are remote and users may encounter sections (including windfalls washouts, and slides) that were not present when trail maps were created and conditions may change due to weather and other factors. It is up to users of these trails described to learn the necessary skills for safe use of equine when riding and packing, use of compasses or GPS, and to exercise caution for all wilderness is potentially hazardous. Be Safe and enjoy the wonderful wildness of BC!

Copyrigcht © 2024 Back Country Horsemen of British Columbia