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Back Country Horsemen of British Columbia

Ideas for Meetings & Events

Some Ideas for BCHBC Meetings & Events:
  1. Overnight horse camping with “leave no trace”, highlining, hobbling education sessions
  2. Host “First Aid for Horses” and “Trail Safety & First Aid” workshops
  3. Host a “Healthy Hooves” workshop: emergency shoeing, how to take off a shoe, using boots, natural hoof trimming
  4. Bring in a conservation officer to talk about “bearaware” and wildlife encounters
  5. Have vet and nutrition experts to speak on Cushing’s disease,pro-biotics, supplementsforhorses
  6. Bring in specialist to talk on noxious weeds & beneficial plants on the trail
  7. Have practical sessions to learn knots, roping, highlining, packing
  8. Show documentary equine related movies– e.g.Nature’s Giants the Racehorses
  9. Have a horse trailer rodeo, trailer inspections
  10. Indoor trail riding with obstacles,e.g.indoor trail class-extreme trail
  11. Have a speaker and slide show on local birds
  12. Invite local search and rescue teams to give a talk
  13. Poker rides
  14. Tack garage sales
  15. Ride in local parades
  16. Give away stuff at the meetings–receive a prize for first person to arrive;“attaboy” or “attagirl”
  17. Go to a firehall and learn how to use fire extinguishers
  18. Have a tackshop host a meeting and give members a discount
  19. Have a “Weed & Feed” (weedpull with a picnic) to remove invasive weeds on the trail
  20. Have a night at the races,e.g. FraserDowns
  21. Have a “MountainHigh” hotdogs roast on a local mountain
  22. Host speakers on emergency awareness, emergency response (what to do till help comes) the impact of brain injuries
  23. Host a photography session on how to take pictures of horses and other animals
  24. Invite ATV and mountain bike clubs to your meetings & look for ways to build relationships
  25. Winter warmers–topics about outdoor living;e.g. clothing for west coast weather, starting a fire, survival in the cold
  26. Host an agility clinic– horsesport international– official agilitycourse
  27. Host a navigation course– Use of compasses, maps, GPS
  28. Saddlebag demo– how to plan for a dayride and what to pack
  29. Presentation on the Pacific Crest trail, Oregon beach ride, and other travelslide shows
  30. Sell tickets on a donated item at meetings
  31. Stretching exercises at a meeting -exercises for riders
  32. Dinner meetings at a restaurant (Beer & Burger Night)
  33. Play Horse Bingo game at meetings
  34. Use roundtable icebreakers at meetings: favourite things my horse taught me, connect horse names with owners, your favourite horse joke, etc…
  35. Have a funday each month –rent an indoor arena and do games, gymkhana, de-spooking, etc.
  36. Give speakers a gift: BCHBC mugs, thank you cards, logo wear, flowers.
  1. Ask youth to assist with newsletters, show articles that include youth
  2. Help youth to attend rides by offering trailering, buddies to ride with
  3. Link up with local pony clubs.
  4. Poker rides –give prizes, not money.
  5. Invite Boy/Girl Scouts and other youth groups to share an event or do a workbee to help cleartrails.
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