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A province wide society of over 900 members in 23 regional chapters. Whether you are new to trail riding or are a seasoned pro, Back Country Horsemen of BC (BCHBC) offers a friendly atmosphere for those interested in trail riding and packing.

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Back Country Horsemen of British Columbia


Back Country Horsemen Association of British Columbia

Upcoming Events

Thu Nov 21 @ 7:30PM - 09:30PM
Yarrow Chapter
Saturday, 06 July 2013 12:09

Poker Ride in Powell River

JULY 20, 2013: Join the Powell River Chapter of Back Country Horsemen of BC for a fundraising Poker Ride to support local area trail repairs. $25 admission fee before July 12. $35 after July 12. Great prizes and lunch provided. To learn more call 604-485-4265.
Saturday, 29 June 2013 21:08

Memekay Horse Camp Map (Vancouver Island)

Here is the latest map to help you get to -- and learn more about -- the NEW Memekay Horse Camp at Sayward, about 45 minutes north of Campbell River on Vancouver Island. The North Vancouver Island chapter of Back Country Horsemen of BC is one of the community groups that contributed funding plus countless hours of volunteer effort over many years to help construct this camp. To downnload and print a PDF copy of this map (along with written directions), click here or cut and paste the following link into your browser: http://goo.gl/5jfpo.   IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Just this one time only, for the official opening celebration, please note that the Memekay Horse Camp recreation site at Sayward, on Vancouver Island, is fully  ‘booked’ from July 15th to July 22nd, 2013 for the official Grand Opening.  Following the official opening, the site is a forestry recreation site and is on a…
Tuesday, 25 June 2013 20:29

Trail Strategies Survey for BC

In April 2013 the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations confirmed the Trails Strategy for BC as a key policy direction and supported its ongoing implementation, that will lead to the development of a successful and sustainable world-class trail system that serves all types of users. The strategy was a collaborative effort from the outset and included stakeholder groups, local governments, First Nations and several agencies such as BC Parks, Tourism BC, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, and many others who played an important role in its development. Progress has been made in implementing the strategy and, as it continues, the Ministry seeks to develop innovative partnerships and find new ways to maximize available resources.  To download a PDF copy of this report, click here. Submitted by Bill Marshall Director, Recreation Sites & Trails Branch Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Ph (250) 953-3678 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.      
Friday, 21 June 2013 10:41

Hold Your Horses!

Horse enthusiasts urge motorists to please slow down! Wearing a helmet and a reflective vest for safety, Jill Ackerman astride ‘Monte, along with Luke the dog, enjoy a safe ride along a road in Courtenay. Photo courtesy of Jill Ackerman. With summer almost here – and the days now longer and warmer – you can expect to see more and more horses on local roads, as well as in and around parks and farmland throughout British Columbia. Whether the horses you see on or near the road are tied up, being ridden, driven in harness, lead or loading in and out of trailers, the Back Country Horsemen Society of BC (BCHBC) urges all motorists to please, slow down, share the road and think safety first. “Drivers, motorcycle riders, cyclists and joggers should all be aware that horses and riders have a legal right to be on the road,” explains BCHBC…
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