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A province wide society of over 900 members in 23 regional chapters. Whether you are new to trail riding or are a seasoned pro, Back Country Horsemen of BC (BCHBC) offers a friendly atmosphere for those interested in trail riding and packing.

Welcome ...

Back Country Horsemen of British Columbia


Back Country Horsemen Association of British Columbia

Upcoming Events

Thu Nov 21 @ 7:30PM - 09:30PM
Yarrow Chapter
Thursday, 19 March 2020 12:44

Inter Chapter Ride




East Kootenay Chapter

Is hosting an Inter-Chapter Ride

September 4, 5, and 6, 2020

$75.00/person – includes all camping fees, catered dinner Saturday evening and live entertainment.

Tickets are non-refundable.

Potluck dinner Sunday evening – Hamburgers and fixings will be supplied.  Bring salads/dessert etc.

Alternative rides available:  Purple Canyon, Sheep Mountain Conservancy (Cutts/Homestead) and the Grasmere area.

Hi-lining available.


Registration limited to 50 people

(plus, Chapter Host Coordination Team)

Registration deadline June 15, 2020

e-transfer $75.00 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

password:  InterChapter ride

In the message area please enclose contact information:

Email and phone number


For more information text or call Robin at 250-489-4009 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Copyrigcht © 2024 Back Country Horsemen of British Columbia