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A province wide society of over 900 members in 23 regional chapters. Whether you are new to trail riding or are a seasoned pro, Back Country Horsemen of BC (BCHBC) offers a friendly atmosphere for those interested in trail riding and packing.

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Back Country Horsemen of British Columbia


Back Country Horsemen Association of British Columbia

Upcoming Events

Thu Nov 21 @ 7:30PM - 09:30PM
Yarrow Chapter
Wednesday, 25 March 2020 10:56

Message to BCHBC Members



**Message to BCHBC Members**


Dear Back Country Horsemen of BC Members,

The BCHBC Board of Directors during this unprecedented time are reaching out to our members to let you know that we are watching the COVID19 Pandemic situation just a closely as we know you are.

We strongly recommend to all our chapters that they cancel their chapter meetings and events for the time being in order to follow the directives from the World Health Organization, the Public Health Agency of Canada and the British Columbia’s Medical Officer.

It is imperative to minimize contact to help prevent the spread of the COVID 19 virus.

The Provincial Executive has now cancelled the biannual Board of Directors meeting scheduled to take place on April 18 & 19, 2020 and will now have a teleconference meeting instead.

The decision has also been made to cancel our annual Rendezvous 2020 to be held in Prince George, in accordance of the guidance coming from the Provincial Health Officer and the BC government. The Pre and Post Rides are also cancelled.

We will postpone it to 2021 and the RV Committee will put all their plans on hold till then and have agreed to do all their work over again to deliver to you the most amazing RV in Prince George. For those who have purchased tickets we will start the refund process shortly.

This is a challenging time for everyone; our thoughts are with you all as this is affecting all of us in many ways. Please stay safe, get out there, hang out with your horses and go riding. The best social distancing we can think of!

The Provincial Executive on behalf of the BCHBC Board of Directors

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